Herzlich Willkommen • Serdecznie witamy • Welcome
Wir sind die ökumenische Studierendengemeinde...
an der Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder)
Wir sind Studierende...
...vom ersten bis zum letzten Semester...
...aller Fakultäten und Nationen...
...aller christlichen Glaubensrichtungen.
Wir feiern in ökumenischer Verbundenheit Gottesdienst
Wir reden über die Welt und Gott
Wir engagieren uns für andere
Wir treffen uns, um gemeinsam...
...zu feiern oder Fußball zu schauen...
Du bist herzlich willkommen!

Prayer in the Corona Crisis

In spring I discovered a prayer by Hansjörg Kopp. He is Secretary General of the YMCA General Association in Germany e.V. In the YMCA, the Christian Association of Young People, full-time and voluntary workers are committed to children and young people and their families. In our region the YMCA is active in Frankfurt (Oder), Lebus, Eggersdorf and in the Oderbruch.

Also in these days and weeks, this prayer helps me to bring thanks and intercessions before God beyond my immediate horizon of experience and to think of people I know, but also not to forget the many others near and far. Furthermore, the thoughts at the end remind me of the motto of the year: "I believe, help my unbelief. (Mark 9:24)

The prayer is quite long. You can also pray just a short section, which speaks especially from your heart at the moment. Or you can pray one passage every day continuously.

Reinhard Menzel (University chaplain)


God, You are almighty and merciful.

We come to You in deep sorrow and distress.

You are here. 

We bring before you this world that you have created. 

We call: “Lord, have mercy”. 


We ask You for the sick:

Heal them.

Comfort the lonely, the frightened and the discouraged, the dying and the mourning. 

We call: “Lord, have mercy”. 


We thank thee for all who are responsible

in politics, offices, authorities and research.

We ask you: give strength, encouragement and wisdom.

We ask You for all in medicine and care,

in surgeries and hospitals,

with fire brigades and police.

For the pedagogues who are still looking after children.

And also for the people who ensure our daily care.

Give new energy and strength again and again.

We call: “Lord, have mercy”.


We ask you for our society,

especially for the people in our country.

Thank you for signs of solidarity.

Lord, we need more of it.

Let us all ask more about what serves our neighbour,

than looking too much at ourselves and honestly asking ourselves what is important.

We call: “Lord, have mercy”.


We desire normality and long for everyday life.

Give in all families a good cooperation,

listen to each other,

be there for each other.

We call: “Lord, have mercy”.


We pray for all who bear economic responsibility,

those who fear for their jobs

and those who are also materially affected by the crisis: 

We call: “Lord, have mercy”.


We ask all this not only for our country,

but for people on all continents.

Lord, how quickly other emergencies, wars and crises fall from sight.

You are also in all other crisis areas of the world.

Let refugies experience help,

ending wars. 

We call: “Lord, have mercy”.


We ask for churches and Christian organisations:

let us stay close to you.

Give us courage to make decisions.

Make us co-creators in society.

Let us trust, pray and help you. 

We call: “Lord, have mercy”. 


In everything we feel and experience anew,

that life is a gift.

You have firmly enclosed beginning and end.

This is our hope and confidence. 

You are the light of the world,

You are a God of help and peace.

Let us trust in You,

even if our faith is sometimes weak and not strong. 


We pray in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,



Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
